animals Asian-elephant boulder brisles bristly calf Calves captive electric-fence elephant elephant-hide elephant-side elephants elephas-maximus fence fenced-in hair hairy herbivore Indian-elephant large largest-terrestrial-mammal mammal mammals play playful pushing rock rocks skin sociable strength strong texture textures tree-trunks trunk wiry wrinkled wrinkles young youngsters zoo Arabian brown bushy-eyebrows camel camelids camelus-dromedarius coat curly-eye-lashes domesticated dromedary ear efficient endurance even-toed-ungulate eye fauna fawn hardy head lead lip lying-down neck resting sand sandy Ships-of-the-Desert snout straps straw tack tired tough Ungulate Weary wool woolly Asian-elephant-subspecies big browsers close color colored colors colour coloured colours communicating connected connecting downpour elephas-maximus-indicus enclosure endangered Females grazers habitat-loss heavy hide Indian-elelphants intelligent megaherbivores rain raining Singapore style trunks tusks wet wrinkly artistic big-cats blue-sky cambodia coastal-city coloring colouring creatures cultural culture decoration decorative display garish gilded gold golden historical impossible-to-miss Kampong-Saom kitsch lions majestic male-and-female mane monument ornamental pair power powerful pride prominent-landmark replicas sculpted sculptures shaped shapes Sihanoukville statuary statues sunlight sunshine symbolic symbols textured monkey

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4 0 grade account_circle young and wrinkled1b
0 0 grade account_circle weary camel calf1
3 2 grade account_circle elephants in the rain1
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3 1 grade account_circle elephants in the rain5
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1 0 grade account_circle elephants in the rain6
0 0 grade account_circle golden lions3
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